Monday, May 24, 2010

sweet escape

Here s some of my sweet escape with my beloved travel mates

@graciiia and her sist @jawirisme @yasawoiii and their fams.

Eventhough that sun not so shiny but we are so eager though ;)

We had lunch in coldy weather at Kintamani, having great time when dinner in Jimbaran.

Benoa and Nusa Dua is my favorite, I know guys you already know it, but whatever. I realy loves it.

I love Bali, I love the people, Caucasian is my favorite also xx

Wish that I can stay that much longer or I can live there, no think twice and I will say YES!!

Hahaha my wish :D

Lot of smile Happy happy joy joy :D

nite at discovery mall with cici



pool at hotel with jawir and bro

Tanjung Benoa and beer

Job Wanted!

Today, I was turn to Airline. Wanted for FA job.
My friend send me a bbm, which told that Today have an walking interview.
andd jreng jeng jeng jeng, I was had wrong info, today they have interview for an experience FA, for beginner you can come back again on July. Okay thanks!
I was so nervous and annoyed and glad in same time, wish on July I can pass it. Hopefully.
But i have doubt, my weight and body look too skinny for FA, I Want raise in quick, so when I back I have a more change to go step ahead. Amen.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010



The Model's blonde, summer likes Milan half New Yorker



Freaaakkkk summer!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sound so lame and preppy but no, I am so optimistic.

My saadness was leave, at least I hope so.
Gawd, I want my happiness sound so preppy and hopeless but no!
I am so optimistic.
I had trouble with my dream, I will enter college This fall, but I dont want to.
I think this is not my major, I want to be an editor, I like to learn about journalism.
I want to be a Floght Attendant, but I am too short and skiny hell yeah HRGR!

Yesterday I had an interview for Flight Attendant in one of jerky uname airlplane company, but the HRD-officer told to me that I am too skinny. Even he didnt read my CV nor asking my achivement or my capable in french or german either.

Ikhlas. But I feel so releive that I've tried. So i will stay in my work. Kidzania. My best and my jerk!
But I love it. And hate it.
Why i said so, I had lots tension frm my supervisor, they have strict unlogical rules.
If you are one of our customer you will see our fake happiness face.
Our owner is everything I know it, but please we are human, we sumtimes fall and up.
We sumtimes broke and succeed. We know what we have to do, and we dont.
We are not a kid, I am 18yo boys. I know what i suppossed todo.

Sound so lame and preppy but no, I am so optimistic.